Submissions will be accepted as short papers (4-6 pages) and as long papers (8-10 pages), plus additional pages for references, following the ACL 2024 guidelines. Supplementary material can be uploaded separately. Blind submission is required.

All submissions have the requirement to include a statement which explicitly defines

(a) what system behaviours are considered as bias in the work, and

(b) why those behaviours are harmful, in what ways, and to whom (cf. Blodgett et al. (2020)). We encourage authors to engage with definitions of bias and other relevant concepts such as prejudice, harm, discrimination from outside NLP, especially from social sciences and normative ethics, in this statement and in their work in general.

Please, find help on how to write a bias statment in here.

Non-archival option

The authors have the option of submitting previously unpublished research as non-archival, meaning that only the abstract will be published in the conference proceedings. We expect these submissions to describe the same quality of work and format as archival submissions.

Paper submission linkhere

Final submissions: Both long and short papers can be extended by 1 page in the camera-ready version.