Oral + Poster / in-personA Parameter-Efficient Multi-Objective Approach to Mitigate Stereotypical Bias in Language ModelsYifan Wang, Vera Demberg
Lightning talk / remoteDo PLMs and Annotators Share the Same Gender Bias? Definition, Dataset, and Framework of Contextualized Gender BiasShucheng Zhu, Bingjie Du, Jishun Zhao, Ying Liu, Pengyuan Liu
Lightning talk / remoteWe Don’t Talk About That: Case Studies on Intersectional Analysis of Social Bias in Large Language ModelsHannah Devinney, JENNY BJÖRKLUND, Henrik Björklund
Lightning talk / remoteAn Explainable Approach to Understanding Gender Stereotype TextManuela Nayantara Jeyaraj, Sarah Jane Delany
Lightning talk / remoteA Fairness Analysis of Human and AI-Generated Student Reflection SummariesBhiman Kumar Baghel, Arun Balajiee Lekshmi Narayanan, Michael Miller Yoder
Lightning talk / remoteOn Shortcuts and Biases: How Finetuned Language Models Distinguish Audience-Specific Instructions in Italian and EnglishNicola Fanton, Michael Roth
Lightning talk / remoteThe power of Prompts: Evaluating and Mitigating Gender Bias in MT with LLMsAleix Sant, Carlos Escolano, Audrey Mash, Francesca De Luca Fornaciari, Maite Melero
Poster / In-personDetecting Gender Discrimination on Actor Level Using Linguistic Discourse AnalysisStefanie Urchs, Veronika Thurner, Matthias Aßenmacher, Christian Heumann, Stephanie Thiemichen
Poster / In-personWhat Can Go Wrong in Authorship Profiling: Cross-Domain Analysis of Gender and Age PredictionHongyu Chen, Michael Roth, Agnieszka Falenska
Oral+Poster / In-personTowards Fairer NLP Models: Handling Gender Bias In Classification TasksNasim Sobhani, Sarah Jane Delany
Lightning talk / remoteInvestigating Gender Bias in STEM Job AdvertisementsMalika Dikshit, Houda Bouamor, Nizar Habash
Oral+Poster / In-personDissecting Biases in Relation Extraction: A Cross-Dataset Analysis on People’s Gender and OriginMarco Antonio Stranisci, Pere-Lluís Huguet Cabot, Elisa Bassignana, Roberto Navigli
Lightning talk / remoteGender Bias in Turkish Word Embeddings: A Comprehensive Study of Syntax, Semantics and Morphology Across DomainsDuygu Altinok
Oral+Poster / In-personDisagreeable, Slovenly, Honest and Un-named Women? Investigating Gender Bias in English Educational Resources by Extending Existing Gender Bias TaxonomiesHaotian Zhu, Kexin Gao, Fei Xia, Mari Ostendorf
Poster / In-personGenerating Gender Alternatives in Machine TranslationSarthak Garg, Mozhdeh Gheini, Clara Emmanuel, Tatiana Likhomanenko, Qin Gao, Matthias Paulik
Oral+Poster / In-personBeyond Binary Gender Labels: Revealing Gender Bias in LLMs through Gender-Neutral Name PredictionsZhiwen You, HaeJin Lee, Shubhanshu Mishra, Sullam Jeoung, Apratim Mishra, JINSEOK KIM, Jana Diesner
Poster / In-personIs there Gender Bias in Dependency Parsing? Revisiting “Women’s Syntactic Resilience”Paul Stanley Go, Agnieszka Falenska
Poster / In-personFrom ‘Showgirls’ to ‘Performers’: Fine-tuning with Gender-inclusive Language for Bias Reduction in LLMsMarion Bartl, Susan Leavy

Lightning talk / remote
Sociodemographic Bias in Language Models: A Survey and Forward PathVipul Gupta, Pranav Narayanan Venkit, Shomir Wilson, Rebecca J. Passonneau

Lightning talk / remote
Stop! In the Name of Flaws: Disentangling Personal Names and Sociodemographic Attributes in NLPVagrant Gautam, Arjun Subramonian, Anne Lauscher, Os Keyes

Lightning talk / remote
Evaluating Gender Bias in Multilingual Multimodal AI Models: Insights from an Indian ContextKshitish Ghate, Arjun Choudhry, Vanya Bannihatti Kumar

Lightning talk / remote
Detecting and Mitigating LGBTQIA+ Bias in Large Norwegian Language ModelsSelma Kristine Bergstrand, Björn Gambäck

Lightning talk / remote
Whose wife is it anyway? Assessing bias against same-gender relationships in machine translationIan Stewart, Rada Mihalcea
Lightning talk / remoteAnalysis of Annotator Demographics in Sexism DetectionNarjes Tahaei, Sabine Bergler
Lightning talk / remoteAn Empirical Study of Gendered Stereotypes in Emotional Attributes for Bangla in Multilingual Large Language ModelsJayanta Sadhu, Maneesha Rani Saha, Rifat Shahriyar
Poster / In-personMultilingual DAMA for Debiasing TranslationTomasz Limisiewicz, David Mareček
Poster / In-personOverview of the Shared Task on Machine Translation Gender Bias Evaluation with Multilingual Holistic BiasMarta R. Costa-jussà, Pierre Andrews, Christine Basta, Juan Ciro, Agnieszka Falenska, Seraphina Goldfarb-Tarrant, Rafael Mosquera, Debora Nozza, Eduardo Sánchez

Findings / Poster / In-person
Biasly: An Expert-Annotated Dataset for Subtle Misogyny Detection and Mitigation

Findings / Poster / In-person
Investigating Subtler Biases in LLMs: Ageism, Beauty, Institutional, and Nationality Bias in Generative Models

Findings / Poster / In-person
More than Minorities and Majorities: Understanding Multilateral Bias in Language Generation

Findings / Poster / In-person
Ask LLMs Directly, “What shapes your bias?”: Measuring Social Bias in Large Language Models
Findings / Poster / In-personPro-Woman, Anti-Man? Identifying Gender Bias in Stance Detection